December 7, 2014

The Great Mind of Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci was born April 15th, 1452 in Vinci, Italy.  Leonardo was fascinated with nature and the science of it, this obsession transitioned to his work. The careful observations of nature lead to various inventions from Da Vinci, such as a flying machine he drew up while examining birds. Most of Leonardo's paintings are benchmarks for perfection in painting. The contributions he made to art include: 3 dimensional painting and anatomically correct people within those paintings. 

Leonardo was one of the most influential Renaissance painters, with his tremendous paintings, to his architectural and engineering designs. 

Leonardo was obsessed with flying, so he studied birds and the way that they moved in the air to try and recreate the magical gift of flight.


Da Vinci made a tremendous impact on them modern world with the bringing of armored vehicles, air crafts, and various war weapons. These ideas were so advanced that most of them were not created until 400 or 500 or so years after his drawings.

   c. 1505-1507                                                                                                      c.1495-1498

Leonardo is the artist behind one of the most respected and recognizable pieces of art in history. Da Vinci introduced his outstanding knowledge of anatomy and shadows to create life-like images on canvas. Unlike many paintings at the time, Leonardo's paintings were 3 dimensional. He moved the art world from away from flat and fictional to, 3 dimensional and graphically real. Depth and these other features that Da Vinci used in his art were learned after intense study, and soon became the standard of which artists tried to live up to.

Leonardo Da Vinci's works did not just end at art; Da Vinci did not separate between art and science so he roughly has 13,000 pages of notes with sketches ranging from war machines and flying machines (previously mentioned), to anatomical figures of people, and plant research. He even went as far as sketching embryos while they are in the womb. Many agree that Da Vinci has the greatest mind that has ever walked the Earth, and that is easy to see with all of his ideas, inventions and paintings. Leonardo's reign on this world ended May 2nd, 1519 in France, but his ideas and research lived longer than that and served as guidelines to future inventors. 

Hand Anatomy
Drawings of plants from Leonardo's notebooks, late 15th century.
Plant Studies
c.Late 15th Century
File:Da Vinci Studies of Embryos Luc Viatour.jpg
Embryonic Sketch



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