December 13, 2014

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

Raphael, an Italian painter and architect

Early Life

Raphael was born in 1483 in Urbino, Italy. Raphael's father, Giovanni, was a painter for the Duke of Urbino. His father also taught him basic painting techniques and principles. When his father died, Raphael who was only 11 years old was now manger of his father's workshop.

At the age of 18 Raphael painted the Baronci Altarpiece, his first recorded commission.

"The Resurrection of Christ" also called The Kinnaird Resurrection was created between 1499 and 1502
"Marriage of the Virgin", completed in 1504 for
a Franciscan church in Citta di Castello. Depicts the
 marriage of Mary and Joseph.

"The School of Athens" is one of the most famous pieces done
by Raphael. Painted in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.

"Disputation of the Holy Spirit", part of the paintings in the
Apostolic Place in the Vatican.

"Transfiguration" is Raphael's last painting,
working on this piece until his death
in 1520.

Death & Influence

Raphael died on April 6, 1520, the day of his 37th birthday. He was still working on the Transfiguration (right) at the time of his death. During his funeral mass at the Vatican, Transfiguration was placed on his coffin stand. Raphael's style influenced art of the Baroque period; he is also regarded to have a significant impact of the art in Italian High Renaissance classicism. 

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