December 8, 2014

Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi

Known as Donatello

Donatello was born in Florence, Italy circa 1386. He was seen as one of the forerunners of Florentine Art, which helped paved way for the age of Renaissance Art. He specialized mostly in sculptures and statues.

Many of his early works were influenced by members of the church. He created pieces for these members from various churches.

The powerfulness in which he expressed his art is what made him the greatest sculptor of the Early Renaissance.

Donatello influenced many Italian sculptors, most notably Michelangelo.

Some of Donatello's famous pieces were:

St. George:

One of the firsts of single focus perspective in making sculptures. It was intended for the Cuirass-makers Confraternity.

David, set in bronze:

The first-ever free-standing nude statue since the ancient era.

Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata:

Da Narni's family commissioned the Gattamelata to commemorate his military prowess and fame. The Gattamelata was famous at the time because it was stepping away from traditional equestrian statue subjects. Previous equestrian statues had been reserved exclusively for kings and other rulers.

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