December 14, 2014

Michaelangelo Simoni

" Father and Master of All the Arts"

Michelangelo(1475-1564) was a Painter, Sculptor, Architect, and Poet. He was widely regarded as the most famous artist of the Italian Renaissance. 

The David
Over 500 years old, one of art-history's greatest masterpieces.Michelangelo's David is most definitely one of the best expression of the Renaissance's sense of life. The sculpture was actually inspired by a story of a young boy who chose to fight a stronger adversary in order to save all his people from invasion without any armor just using his skills and courage.

Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel
Located in Vatican City, Rome.Michelangelo began painting in 1508 and finished in 1512.
Pope Julius II hired Michelangelo to replace a blue ceiling dotted with stars with a geometric ornament, but Michelangelo had a completely different idea to paint the Old Testament scenes found on the fault, which were separated by the architecture.

The Pieta

Marble statue. Michelangelo sculpted this in his early 20's. The statue represents Mary contemplating the dead body of her son, who she holds on her lap. Michelangelo made the marble seem like flesh and worked very hard on each detail of the folds of drapery.

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